What’s next?
So, here we are in 2019, another year older and, maybe, another year wiser. On New Year’s Day I had the opportunity to pray in the new year with sixteen other people from seven other churches. What an incredible privilege. In that brief hour I was encouraged by God’s still voice.
As the week continued I have tried, each day, to be thankful and praise the Lord (still a work in progress), to think ‘Jesus’ first, to know God loves me and that I can experience this love, and to love God back. I know they are basics, but, oh boy, the flow-on into other areas has been good; I’m praying for that flow to become a flood.
So, how are you going after nearly a week? It’s good to know that we have the opportunity to know the mercies of God each new day.
This Sunday, the title for the message is, “Okay, Lord, what’s next?” What is next for you this year? Is it a new adventure? Has one door just closed and is a new one opening? Are you sensing the Lord is taking the New Year as a time and place to call you into a new area of ministry?
The opportunities at KawanaLife in 2019 are through the roof. From our KL Kids to youth, from men’s and women’s ministries to Home Groups, from the Oikos Project to the Leadership Team, and all the other ministries that impact our community. Please, as the Lord leads, follow.
I am excited for 2019. Yes, I know I am always excited for the New Year, but I just sense in my spirit something special for this year.
God bless you all.
Only Jesus,