Radical Prayer
Do you often pray ‘Big Prayers’, hoping for big things? Or do you find yourself praying more conservatively?
The Lord’s Prayer (aka The Disciples’ Prayer) is one of the most commonly prayed prayers in the world; it’s prayed by christians all over the world every day, and prayed by all sorts of churches in all kinds of services in all sorts of countries in the world. It’s even recited in the Australian Parliament at the beginning of every sitting day! Here at KawanaLife, we are doing a teaching series on this prayer that Jesus taught his disciples.
Sometimes when we are so familiar with something, it can loose its significance. The Disciples’ Prayer is not a conservative, safe, easy prayer. It is a ‘Big Prayer’. Asking for God’s kingdom to come, for His will to be done on earth, is declaring our desire to lay aside our kingdom, and our will and, instead, want what God wants. Not only that, it calls us to action. We are not only to pray this radical prayer but to live it!
May we continue to pray this big, radical prayer with great faith, and to contribute to its fulfilment.