O Christmas Tree
20 December 2019
This time of year, Christmas trees adorn every house and every shop, promising gifts to all. They are lovingly adorned, often with lights and shining decorations. Certainly in the consumerist world they are the prevailing image of the season.
At KawanaLife, we have spent some time looking at the Christmas Tree through another lens, through what we call God’s Plan of Salvation. The metaphor of a tree is used throughout the Bible from start to finish, and speaks of God’s goodness and faithfulness and that He is bringing about His purposes in the world, and we can choose to be part of it.
So, each time you see a tree this Christmas (which will no doubt be often, especially when you head to the shops!) pause to think; not of the presents you may or may not get this Christmas, but instead, of God’s goodness and faithfulness, and the new life He promises to all those who believe.
Merry Christmas!