Sacrificial giving

In our journey through KawanaLife’s Vision Statement, we have come to –

f) giving sacrificially of our talents and resources for our ministry.

Or, in my words, “We are blessed to be a blessing” or “God calls us to be generous with the gifts he has given us.”

Now imagine the whole world was just 100 people. What would the stats look like?

~ How many would own a car?
~ How many would be white?
~ How many would be Christian?
~ Who would have internet?
~ Who would have clean water and plenty of food?

Then think about this: what if they were white, a Christian, owned a car, had plenty of food and clean water; how many people would that be?

We will have a look at these things, and more, this Sunday morning.

I hope at the end of the message you will, like me, be humbled and blessed with the challenge, how can I be a blessing?