The harvest
In my limited experience as a farmer, one year on a bean/cauliflower farm, I can tell you about the anxiety felt over the coming harvest and the urgency felt with the crop is ripe. It is something that those who live off the farm feel acutely. Jesus talks about the crowds of people as a harvest ripe for the picking. People are ready for a reconciled relationship with God. But it seems to be that there are too few workers. That is until we recognise that we are the workers. What is more, we are already in the midst of the harvest field. We have been sent into the Sunshine Coast, and we are to be making disciples in ‘my oikos’. The first step is to pray.
Also, in answer to the question, what are we to do? Remember the words spoken through the prophet Micah:
“He has shown you, Oh human, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8)