Gnat’s Ordination
Last Sunday, Gnat gave us the challenge to be ‘SENT ONES’. He laid the foundation from the Old Testament, then went on into the New. He shared emotionally and openly about his struggles, and finished by giving us all a challenge to be obedient to Jesus, and GO.
This week Gnat is being ordained. This has taken many years of obedience in the same direction, and has included study, ministry, training, and mentoring. So, what does ordination mean? Well, if you Google “What is ordination?” you will come up with hundreds of answers. Some say it is recognising that Gnat is ‘called’ by God, QB and KawanaLife to be a Pastor. Some would say he is being set aside into the holy orders. Others may ask, “But is not this already the case?” Well, yes, yes and yes.
For us at KawanaLife, we have gone on a journey with Gnat, we have done the paperwork, we have signed off on the recommendation that Gnat should be ordained. QB has also done the paperwork and they too have arrived at the decision that Gant should be ordained. This is a significant day for us and for Gnat.
Congratulations to Gnat on your ordination.
Featured image: The Sacrament of Ordination (Christ presenting the Keys to Saint Peter), Nicolas Poussin, between circa 1636 and circa 1640, in the Kimball Art Museum at Fort Worth, Texas. Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons