2017 MessagesReligion & SpiritualitySunday Messages Podcast

Mothers Day

Mothers day is very different around the world. For some mothers, it’s just another day with little or no significance at all. For some it is a joyful day, for others it is sorrowful. Mary, Jesus’ mother knew all the agonies and extacy that a mother can experience. From the joy and amazement of a one of a kind conception, to the heartbreak of witnessing her son being nailed to a cross. Today we reflect on what it means to be a mother.

During this message, Dony recounts a story from the book ‘The Insanity Of God’ by Nik Ripken, published by Broadman & Holman Publishers. For more information please go to their websites at Nik Ripken Ministries or BH Publishing Group. For more information about KawanaLife Baptist Church please visit our website kawanalife.com