Pastors Pen

How is your ‘Christoformity’?

I hope you are enjoying the incredible journey of ‘Reading Romans Backwards’. For those of us who are preparing the messages it has been incredible, but also a challenge.

In the intro to this week’s message, Scott Mcknight leads with these words:

“Main takeaway from Paul’s gospel is more than a message of individual salvation. His gospel is the story of Jesus the Messiah, the story of the Hebrew Scriptures and the Jewish Messiah, who plans to bless and include all the people of the nations who will be allegiant and obedient to him through faith. In the beginning of Romans, Paul is talking to Jews about moral transformation. He says it does not come through Torah observance but through Christoformity.”

Christoformity, what a great word. The challenge for us all – how is our Christoformity?