On a different journey
This week we welcome the Perrett family to KawanaLife. It will be so good to have them with us again. I would also like to say how excited I am to have Shannon sharing God’s word with us.
Going on a journey, whether it be for a holiday, an adventure, visiting family, or just to get away for a couple of days can indeed be very exciting. I know that for some, just getting on the road is the start of the time out. However, today I want to take you on a different journey.
Imagine going on a journey and not knowing where you will end up, how long it will take, what incredible things you will see, or what tough experiences you may encounter.
I think the wise men did just that. At the end of it, they had the incredible privilege to see God become man, Emmanuel, Jesus in the manger. How good would that have been?
This week we can start a new journey – a new season – going where God would lead us, together and as individuals. Are we up for the challenge?