The Oikos Project
For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
Ephesians 2:10 –
God has placed each one of us in a time and space to be His witness, to be His creation, to do His work wherever we are. KawanaLife is also placed in a time and place to do and be exactly the same thing. We have been building and building to a place where we will be able to do and be, even more intentionally and effectively, into both our own ‘Oikos’ and KawanaLife’s ‘Oikos’.
“What is that?” you may ask. It is KawanaLife carrying out the great commission in the new Oceanside precinct. This is exciting, and will come about in very different ways. Some will be quiet, but others will be loud, and full of fun (and food 🙂).
2019 will be an exciting journey into some good things that God has planned for us to do. Join us in prayer, join us in planning, join us in the finances, join us in the hospital and in the community.
God bless you one and all.
Only Jesus,