Troubled heart?
Life can seem overwhelming to us at times, can’t it? Today’s headlines might be enough to cause us to despair. Circumstances beyond our control may suddenly envelope us, and our natural instinct to panic kicks in.
That happened one night two thousand years ago, at a dinner table. There they were, celebrating together the miraculous deliverance of their forebears from slavery in Egypt, listening intently to the teaching of their very own Rabbi and friend, when suddenly he blurted out that he was about to leave them and they would not be able to follow him. Well, talk about shock and awe …!
But Jesus said to them, “Don’t let your hearts be troubled …” I think the word ‘troubled’ may have been an understatement at that moment! But think about it; don’t LET your hearts be troubled, indicates they had a choice – they could choose NOT to be troubled, worried, concerned.
But how? What could possibly offer them any hope to cling to after such devastating news?
Jesus continued (my paraphrase), “You trust God, don’t you? Trust me too. This might appear earth-shattering news to you right now, but don’t LET your faith be rattled, draw close to God, stay focused on Him. We’ve got this, and it’s way bigger than you guys could ever imagine, or comprehend, even if I attempted to explain it to you. WAY BIGGER …”
Today, we can look back to that moment with 20/20 hindsight and smile to ourselves. Yeah, if they only knew what we know now concerning the aftermath of that night! Oh yeah!
This coming Sunday morning we’re going to explore some of that together. This is my invitation to you to join us, either live at 9:30, or if you can’t make it then, catch up later on Facebook.
See you then.