Prayer and Fasting

Many years ago, when I was becoming a Baptist Pastor, I had the pleasure of having James Baker as my Queensland Baptist mentor. We had some incredible times together. One of the things we did was to read through a book together called The Leaders Journey, by various authors, but put out by the Leadership Network. It was pretty good and got me thinking about a few things.

One of the most significant parts of the book for me at the time, was ‘Appendix B: an overview of Spiritual Disciplines’. There are fourteen listed. Can you think of fourteen spiritual disciplines? Two of them are Fasting and Praying.

Fasting: The experience of deliberately abstaining from food, or some other indulgence, to create more space in one’s life for attending to God.

Prayer: Communication with God, both talking and listening. We set aside a specific time for sustained prayer, and we also learn to talk and listen to God as we go about our normal lives.

Prayer is an important part of our practice of all the other disciplines.

So the question, or the challenge, I have for us all today is: how is your prayer and fasting going? I know I need to activate this discipline again.

God bless you as you follow Him each and everyday,

Pastor Dony Johnson