
May is Mission Month. Today we meet an Official Chaplain who is working with Queensland Police; today he will challenge us to go into all the world. But how do we do that? Well, as we have said many times, we are all ‘Unofficial Chaplains’.

Here is a prayer that may truly be a help, the Unofficial Chaplain’s Prayer:

Heavenly Father,
Today, I am commissioned to do good to the people around me.
If someone has a need I can meet, enable me to see and meet it.
Help me be a credible ambassador for Christ, one who serves diligently and models integrity.
May I always be prepared to share my faith and hope in simple, appropriate ways.
Help my relationships deepen and my spiritual influence increase as I invest time in people.
Give me strength to accept antagonism and to respond with a blessing.
Stir me, Holy Spirit, to pray for people privately and with them opportunely.
Today, Lord, help me nudge someone in your direction.


Crank, Warren. (2017). The Unofficial Chaplain Handbook. Upper Mt Gravatt : CHI-Books.